Sunday, October 30, 2016

Star Blogger-Jayven

October 30th 2016
Hi! My names is Jayven Ryan. I’m 7 years old and my birthday is November 23rd.

I live at home with my Mom, Dad, two younger brothers Soleil and ElJay and my dog Quest.

I’m the oldest of 2 siblings and 4 cousins.

My nationalities are Filipino, Chamorro and American.

My favorite place to visit every year is Bear River

I like to draw and color.
I like to play outside with my bike and scooter.

The sport I’m best at is baseball.

My favorite baseball team has been the Giants since I was just a couple months old.
My enjoy eating steak and rice.
I love reading and watching Star Wars.



  1. Dear Jayven
    I really like your pictures and writes.Are you the biggest in your family?Jayven you do have a big.

  2. Dear Jayven your blog has a lot of detail and with a lot of information.
    The picture when you took a picture with your two siblings and your three cousins you guys remind me of villains. What is that monkey shadow there? Is it because you have a pet monkey? When i watched one of the star war movies I was scared of it because it was intense for me. your friend :


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~Mrs. Torres