Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Today our class went to the computer lab and tried something NEW! It's called Padlet. Padlet is an internet application that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic. Since we have been studying the topic of immigration, I felt this was a great opportunity for the kids to write about how they would feel if they had to leave their country, family, friends and possessions and move to a foreign country. I read so many wonderful responses and they were too good to not share.

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Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
~Mrs. Torres