Thursday, November 21, 2013

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our classroom blog. It's really happening! I'm officially venturing into the blogging world and as the old cliche goes, "better late than never". This is the place where I will be posting pictures and sharing some of our class activities.

Guest Speakers

Most Fridays we have a mystery reader and the kids get very excited to guess who is coming to read to our class. Recently, we have had 2 guest readers: Mr. Wood and Mrs. Kloczko!   Mr. Wood is reading a chapter book called The Year of Billy Miller by Kevin Henkes. Billy Miller is a 2nd grader who figures out how to make it through elementary school, how to appreciate his little sister, and how to be a responsible and helpful member to his family. The kids are really enjoying this story. 

Mrs. Kloczko read Deck the Walls written by Erin Dealey. The kids laughed and sang along with this Mrs. Klozcko. What a fun way to read!